10-gallon primary batch sparge

- 18 lb 2-row Northwest Pale
- 1.5 lb Crystal 60
- 1 lb Chocolate malt 350 love
- 1.5 lb roasted barley 300 love
- 1.0 whole hops Yakima – start of boil
- 1.5 ounce Norther Brewer hops – start of boil
- 1.5 ounce Fuggles last 10 minutes of boil
Yeast – reusing the previous yeast brewed in the London Brown a few months back, doing a starter / London Ale III – Wyeast 1318 yeas
75-minute boil on the primary batch… OG 1.062 / 1 month fermentation FG 1.014 – 6.3% final OG

5-gallon secondary batch – here we use 6 gallons of water, added 2 ounces of whole hops into the grain (false bottom will prevent whole hop clog), bring to boil and do a short 30 minute boil, adding hops at a reduced time ratio. We also added (1lb dry light dry malt extract dme) to help with OG.
- 2.0 whole hops Yakima – start of boil
- 0.5 ounce Norther Brewer hops – start of boil
- 0.5 ounce Fuggles last 10 minutes of boil
30 minute boil. You might still get a stuck mash, so mashing out at a higher temp helps – I used a strong pump to suck and get it flowing, cool down the temps while recirculating (if no pump), good luck.
Here is how the secondary batch looks like after 3 weeks of fermentation and a quick co2 charge, it tastes light and is very easy to drink, creamy head with a chocolate taste, pretty damn good beer. The beer is at about 4.5%