Noble Trappist Ale (Belgian), 5.3% Alcohol, OG 1.053, Avg IBU 37 [time to ready 2 months] – use 1.25 quarts per lb of grain for Mash, then 1/2 gallon per pound of grain for the Sparge.
Total boil after mashing – 1 hour.
- 9 lbs domestic 2 row (grain)
- 8 oz Caramel 40 (grain)
- 8 oz Carapils
- 2 oz Hallertau hops – add at start of boil
- 1 oz Styrian Golding hops – last 2 minutes of boil
- Additional items: 1 lb Light Belgian Candi
- ( dry yeast or liquid yeasts: Wyeast German Ale, White Labs German Ale or German Ale)