Pandemic Brew 2020!
About two and a half months ago, in the middle of our Regional Pandemic, I brewed this Scottish Ale. It felt weird and strange brewing it in the middle of the happening.
Basically the recipe was used the same as last time, more updates later, Cheers for now!
Drink Beer and Stay Safe!

Previous Brews ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
above – Photo credit: Bryan Carr 2015
Below are our photos (is lighter than in the picture), should be – amber color, you should see through the glass to the other side.
Today we are sharing a recipe of another fellow brewer from the Brew Nerds Community on Google+ ( thanks for permission to share your recipe Bryan Carr!! )
Here is his recipe:
OG: 1.100
FG: 1.025
≈ 9.8-10.0 %
15# Maris Otter
1.5# Crystal 60
0.5# Crystal 120
2 oz Roasted Barley
2 oz Chocolate
0.5 oz Fuggle @ 90
0.5 oz Fuggle @ 60
1 oz Northdown @ 15
Yeast: WLP028 White Labs Edinburgh, 1L starter with 3 vials… call it overkill.
Mashed at 146 F for 60 minutes, then brought it up to 156 F for 30 minutes. Mashed Out at 170 F and collected roughly 9 gallons of wort for the boil. It had a 90 minute (rigorous) boil, and final volume of 5.5ish gallons.
Fermented at 70 F in primary for 1 month, then dropped it down to 58 F degrees in secondary for 2 months. Bottle conditioned for 6 weeks.
For our 10 gallon recipe (based on grains/hops/yeast) that we have access to we picked:
- 30 lbs of Golden Promise, at $1.30 a pound
- 3 lbs Crystal 60 Lov., at $1.85 a pound
- 1 lbs Crystal 120 Lov., at $1.85 a pound
- 4 ounces or 1/4 lb Chocolate malt 350 Lov., at $1.90 a pound
We couldn’t get a hold on the Northdown – substitute Perle hops // also got the Fuggles (multiplied for a 10 gallon batch). For yeast – Scottish Ale #1728 – using a 2000ml starter.
Further brew details and pics later…
OG was 1.086, FG was 1.014 // so basically 10%
The beer tastes awesome only 1 week out of fermentor (one week in fridge/keg), test pour.. the classic chill haze is there, but a few weeks later it will all naturally clear up, follow-up photo later.. Very drinkable only after 1 week – so I think we have a winner here!